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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Superintendent Vitti's "who me" leadership. (rough draft)

Despite almost constant complaints about the unrealistic pacing guide and being told that teachers feel overwhelmed the superintendent routinely shrugs his shoulders and like Shaggy says, "it wasn't me".

He usually blames it on our principals, saying some may have interpreted the learning schedule as a set in stone document and he does this at the same time when he talks about releasing proven teachers from rigidness of the curriculum. This seems like an easy fix as we head into the 15th week of school.

And you know our principals right or what the super likes to call our shallow bench.

Meanwhile our principals are saying, its not us and friends I have to say being a principal in this day and age and district must suuuccckkk, the pressure must be unbearable, they say they are getting their orders from the cluster chiefs who must be getting their orders from the super right, I can't imagine any of them going rogue.

I am not just hearing from people at schools with poor principals either, I am hearing more and more from teachers at "good schools" that say they love their administrations. They lament the browbeating and intimidation that the district staff heaps upon them. They are saying teachers are talked down to and in a fashion that would get them written up if they would speak the same way to their students. They report being give zero leeway on the pacing guide, district tests, absences, or reteaching be damned.

I wonder if the district has ever considered helping and supporting our teachers rather than micromanaging and bullying them?

So whose fault is it? Principals? They say it's the district staff? The super says it is them.

Either way is this anyway to run a district? Shouldn't we expect more and better?

Principals should speak up and advocate for their children and staffs and I know that is a scary prospect and the super should dial back the pacing guide and tell the various chiefs to chill out and be leaders instead of bullies, I mean if that is what he really wants them to do.  

Then the super he should lead, if he wants it one way then he shouldn't hide behind shoulder shrugs and who mes. He should own what is going on rather than passing he buck. The truth is it is him whether he knows it or wants to admit it or not.


  1. You are totally right in with this post. At the end of the day, whether it is the district level staff or principals, the buck stops with Vitti. He is the leader of this district and it is up to him to clarify expectations and reel in staff when necessary.
    The fact that he continues to not address this matter can only mean that he endorses it.

  2. It has been made clear to us, several times, that the area superintendent is the one driving the rigid pace of the curriculum guides. I work at an "A" school where my principal has always trusted us to make curricular decisions in our individual classes. That is no longer the case because of the pressure she is receiving from the district. The teachers at my school are miserable and hate the new reading curriculum (the math isn't too bad, just paced way too fast). We don't see anything changing as long as the present superintendent is in place. If he truly isn't the one exerting the pressure then why do the area superintendents still have their jobs?

  3. He says the same thing about discipline, that he doesn't know why principals pressure teachers to not write referrals. Where does that come from?
