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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Times Union looking to talk parents and teachers about elementary ELA curriculum

Teachers and parents, the Times Union is looking to talk to people about the elementary ELA curriculum, the reporter Denise Amos Smith says she can keep names confidential. Just send her an email.

I really believe if more people knew they would both be outraged and demand better. 


  1. I hope someone puts the first grade ELA curriculum in the spotlight. What a joke. The upcoming unit is on astronomy, and one of the main standards in the unit is RI.2.4--Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of WORDS and phrases in a TEXT. Here's the kicker, THE KIDS DON'T HAVE THE TEXT IN FRONT OF THEM! In the curriculum guide, they had this as a "helpful tip":
    Helpful tip: consider writing
    short passages from the text on sentence stripes or
    index cards so students can reference various
    points in the text as they are determining the
    meaning of the unknown words.
    UMMMMM THIS IS A READ ALOUD TEXT! Therefore, the text is WAY ABOVE FIRST GRADERS' READING LEVELS, even my high performing readers.

  2. I just sent a very long email venting about all that is wrong with this district. Hope something will come of it.

    1. Put it here as a comment and I will put it up as a blog, or send it to my email,

  3. middle school ela curriculum is a joke as well.......
