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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

At this point silence about the attacks on public education is the same as complicity

First they came for the teachers, blaming them for all of society’s ills. People couldn’t look in the mirror and blame themselves or at the very least take some responsibility as teachers became social workers, nurses, and so much more, so I didn’t speak out.
Then they came for the schools. I wasn’t in school and didn’t have children in schools and charters didn’t seem so bad unless I looked behind the curtain and I didn’t want to look behind the curtain so I didn’t speak out.
Then they came for the school board. Elected representatives became too big of a threat to their agenda to many wouldn't roll over but since there would be a school board in some form left after the elected board was disbanded I didn’t speak out.  
Then when the teachers were gone, the schools were replaced and the school board in the pocket of the mayor there was no one left to come for and their takeover was complete. It was to late for me to speak up.
The future of education in Jacksonville is very close to becoming businesses manned by temps with none to be held accountable. 
At some point silence becomes complicity. If you believe in teachers, public schools and direct democracy, the time to speak up is now, while there is still something left to speak for.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I urge all teachers and concerned citizens to contact their councilmembers. If you don't know what district you are in look it up at They might not agree with you and they will be to scared to respond. But if enough people speak out they will have no choice but to respond.
