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Monday, August 26, 2019

This referendum fight has been unlike any other.. anywhere and ever.

I hope people understand how different the referendum process has been here than elsewhere.
Up till now, school boards have gone to city councils and told them what they wanted and city councils have done it. The process was no more than a formality.
There hasn’t been never ending questions or specious demands, never before.
Then the various boards came up with how they would spend the money and share with charters or not.
From the Times Union,
  Duval Schools is one of a small handful of large state school districts that doesn’t currently receive funding from a sales tax or impact fee. School districts in Alachua, Orange and Polk County don’t share its sales tax with charter schools at all. Conversely, Hillsborough shares based on need depending on a charter school’s not-for-profit and ownership status.
I hope people get that, 3 districts don't share, one does based on need, and they all made their decisions on their own, without interference from the city government.
So why is Duval county different? Why do we have a mayor and city council that are willing to shirk their responsibilities and fight against schools and children? Well friends it’s because they have been bought off by a small cabal of rich, and mostly white men, who want public education to fail. Some because they see a money making opportunity while others have a religious like hatred of public ed. I suspect there is some racism and sexism involved as well too.
You ever watch Sesame street where they would have those one thing is unlike the other bits? Well that’s Jacksonville, we aren’t interested in doing things the right or decent way, just the way that sees a handful of rich donors get whatever they want and the shame of it.

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope we have a vote for 2019 tomorrow. Carlucci says 10 votes is a close shave but I'd rather go down swinging than keep the bat on my shoulder. Get their votes on record along with their excuses. 2020 is always gonna be there but these buildings aren't getting any younger. #decaynotdelay #dontbackdown
