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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Education Matters EXCLUSIVE, transcript of Curry and Gabriel's conversation about the sales tax referendum

I was sent this by an insider at City Hall and no it wasn't Sam Mousa because who can afford that guy.

It is a transcript of Lenny Curry and Jason Gabriel's conversation about the tax referendum.

Gabriel- What's the matter boss you look down?

Curry- Just trying to figure out how to stop the school board from placing a half cent sales tax on the ballot this November to help with their schools.

Gabriel- Don't they have some of the oldest schools in the state?

Curry- Yes

Gabriel- And don't they have hundreds of millions in maintenance needs?

Curry- Indeed they do.

Gabriel- Then won't a lot of money go to parts of the city that have been historically neglected?

Curry- Again yes but you aren't seeing the big picture.

Gabriel- What is that boss?

Curry- Big Daddy's donors have to get paid.

Gabriel- ohh.

Curry- It's like this, you know how you are beholden to me for your job, and how I could cut you loose at any time for any reason.

Gabriel- gulp, yes.

Curry- well its like that with me and my donors. If I don't make sure they get paid, this may be it for me. Why would Kahn let me on the Jags plane if this is it for me. Unless I can give him hundreds of millions for lot J, anyhoo I digress.

Gabriel, wow boss, you are in a bind, if wish there was something I could do to help but the statutes are pretty clear, the city council "shall" put the referendum on the ballot.

Curry- Maybe you can just say, shall doesn't mean shall.

Gabriel- um what would it mean then?

Curry, how about, maybe, if you want, could? You are the lawyer legalese it up.

Gabriel- Boss there is no amount of legalese I could use to do that.

Curry- you sure about that?

Gabriel- pretty sure?

Curry- do you like your job and its salary?

Gabriel- yes, gulp

Curry- then how sure are you?

Gabriel- not very now that I think about it.

Curry- then you shall do it!

Gabriel- I shall.   

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