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Saturday, August 3, 2019

The city council sends questions to Lenny Curry about the lot J sale

The city council as you can see by their involvement in the sales tax referendum likes to know the issues. Several of them sent questions to Mayor Curry about the lot J sale that I was able to see.

Scott Wilson, - I look forward to meeting with the Jaguars and then doing what they and mayor Curry to tell me to do. That's not a question, um when can I meet with the Jaguars so I can do what they and Mayor Curry tell me to do.

Aaron Bowman- I don't need to see any of the details, on this. Where can I pick up my "wink, wink, complementary" tickets.  Takes bite of apple.

LeAnna Cumber - I am not an engineer but I work with them, what does that have to do with the give away, err, sale, nothing I just thought I would bring it up.

Tommy Hazouri - when flying to London on the Kahn jet, is it carry on or checked baggage?

Micheal Boylon -  can you do 10 tickets, six for me and my family and 4 for my inflated ego?

Al Ferro- couldn't we have used lottery money to sweeten the deal?

Rory Diamond - the only place children get a chance is charter schools, and yes I know that has nothing to do with the lot J give away, err sale, I just want to remind everyone this is what I said at a city council meeting.

Reggie Gaffney - how can we get Sam Mousa involved?

Ju'Coby Pittman -  do I have to go to the games?

Brenda Preistly Jackson - can we have anyone against this tested for age related dementia? what was the Jags record last year? what's their record against AFC west competition historically, how many players from historically black colleges have been on the Jags roster for more than 7 games (plus thirty other questions about nothing).

Curry was quick to reply too. He said,  I am going to London!!!

Friends think about this, if the city settled on a 233 million dollar give away on a 450 million dollar project, what was Kahn's starting position?

Did Sam Mousa's new consulting firm do the negotiations on behalf of the city, since he offers clients bad deals, that would make sense

Who wants to bet this deal won't get a tenth of the scrutiny the school board's sales tax referendum has received and it seems to me that this is to big of a decision for the city council to make and the city should be allowed to weigh in. Now you might be saying, we elected the council to do a job, well we elected to school board to do a job too but that hasn't stopped the city council from interfering. 

Jacksonville always seems to have money for scoreboards but never for schools.  

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