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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

W.C. Gentry goes from lifelong republican to liberal conspirator in one Curry Tweet.

I didn’t think much of W.C. Gentry when he was on the school board. He had run successfully for other offices a couple times before and getting elected to something, anything felt like it was just on his to do list. His four years there were relatively unremarkable.
That’s not to say he hasn’t done things.
From Florida Politics.
W.C. Gentry is a man whose roots are deeply embedded in Jacksonville. He has been one of the leading trial attorneys in the area in the last half century. His contributions to the civic good, such as helping Mayor Tommy Hazouri as a Special Counsel to mitigate the noxious odors created by local paper mills, serving as Chair of the Jacksonville Journey Education Subcommittee under John Peyton, and winning a staggering $11B settlement over Big Tobacco, cannot be discounted either. He also served a 4 year term on the School Board.

Now Gentry is wading into the public arena again, via a Thursday endorsement of Lenny Curry in the Jacksonville mayoral race.

Wait what?!? Record scratch. He endorsed Lenny Curry? More than that however he gave him thousands of dollars too.

Gentry is also such a raging liberal that he was also appointed to the charter review commission.

Lenny Curry is willing to say and do anything to get his way. Just recently he lied about the sale of the JEA and did so again through ommision about all the lot J caveats. He bullied everyday citizens on twitter, has strong armed the city attorney into ignoring the law and giving him a favorable ruling, called a long time republican a liberal I guess in the hopes his base will turn against him and said he should be investigated, shrugged his shoulders at attempted extortion by two of his top lieutenants and sold out the city’s children and schools to benefit his mega donors. This man is not ethical enough to run a lemonade stand let alone a city but there he is.

Friends when Curry attempted to throw Gentry under the bus that was bad but he also directed the city attorney to ignore the law and give him the ruling he wants and that’s chilling.

We are not being led we are being ruled.

1 comment:

  1. Hank Coxe defended Curry's predecessor Greer, former state chairman of the republican party, when he got caught with his pants down around a bunch of strippers. Apparently Lenny was watching football and missed the story. Otherwise I'm sure he would have tweeted it out.
