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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

City Council refuses to meet with the school board

During today's finance committee meeting, packed with anti-public education zealots, they deferred the special tax referendum. That was not unexpected. That they refused to meet with the school board is.

The school board and city council have a joint session scheduled for August 14th , when city attorney Jason Gabriel is finally supposed to have an opinion if the school board is subservient to the council or not and to discuss all the answers to the city councils tax referendum questions.

The problem is time is a commodity that the school board does not have much of, so they asked the city council if they would be willing to meet sooner and they declined.

Why? Probably because they know the specious reasons they used to interfere are falling away and they want to switch to plan B which is run out the clock, to make it impossible for the school board to have the referendum this year. As it is now DCPS will have to push it back to January.

The city council should be ashamed of themselves. First they tried to use specious reasons to usurp the school board's authority and now they are trying to run out the clock just so a handful of super donors can reap millions in public money. They don't care about kids or schools or even the city in their Pyrrhic attempt to dismantle DCPS.

Friends we aren't being led, we are being ruled.

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