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Thursday, January 13, 2022

Weather days should become Covid days

In Florida, we have weather days to guard against hurricanes. Up north they have snow days. Well, what the entire country could use right now is Covid days, days that districts or schools could take to make sure their staff and students were safe.  

We put ten days on the pack of the school schedule and if a district needs to take a week off because of rising cases, DCPS had over a thousand known student cases and 200 staff one in three days, and then make it up at the end of the year. 

This way we wouldn’t be closing schools, setting off the soccer moms amped up on white wine spritzers, and instead would just be doing an everyday ordinary mundane thing to keep people safe. 

Now, will 10 days be enough? I don’t know but it’s better than the charge of the light brigade strategy that most school districts are employing now. 

About three percent of students and staff have tested positive since we returned from winter break and it's bound to get worse much worse before it gets better.   

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