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Sunday, January 2, 2022

Education Corruption scandal should be rocking Floirda

 Republicans are corrupt and that's the bottom line. Whether it be Florida Power and Light backing shadow candidates to get sympathetic legislators elected, the attempt of selling JEA in Jacksonville or this latest education scandal, they are corrupt, corrupt, corrupt and I can't believe this is what my republican friends want, even if they love guns, hate abortions and look under their beds every night for the socialism boogeyman. Now I will get off my soapbox. 

So this is what happened. 

State board of education member Andy Tuck created what was basically a fake company in order to get state contracts with the help of a high-ranking FLDOE member, and when some I am sure career bureaucrat, one of those people the right always rails against brought it up and dominoes began to fall. Tuck rather than be questioned in the investigation resigned as did the high-ranking FLDOE official after they were caught lying. Then in an effort to sweep it all under the rug, Richard Corcoran, the czar of Florida education declared everything over. You know, because what's a little corruption between friends. Only in Florida 

...and getting back on my soapbox only by republicans. 

Just a note, Corcoran's wife is also living off the state education dole.

From Florida Politics, 

Two Florida Department of Education leaders resigned in November after an investigation unearthed a plan to pursue a state contract for a company they managed.

According to an Inspector General report, the two leaders — Vice Chancellor of Strategic Improvement Melissa Ramsey and State Board Member Richard “Andy” Tuck — sent a proposal to the Education Department in November after it asked 25 vendors for quotes on a bid to take over operations at Jefferson County Schools.

The bid, among other pursuits, solicited vendors who have a “demonstrated experience with successfully operating schools of similar status.”

Um, they created the company in August.

Here is more from Billy Towsend.

Florida Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran and Senior Chancellor for K-12 Jacob Oliva should both immediately resign over the state Department of Education’s Jefferson County state bid corruption scandal. If they don’t, Gov. DeSantis should fire them.

That’s how bad it is. The scandal already quietly took down Melissa Ramsey, former DoE Executive Vice Chancellor for the Division of Public Schools, and former state Board of Education Member and Chairman Andy Tuck. Their resignations were first reported — a month after they happened — by Jason Delgado of the “Florida Politics” website. But Delgado’s story did not detail the most overtly corrupt act.

In sum: Melissa Ramsey directed her immediate DoE subordinate to draft a proposal response for Ramsey and Tuck’s personal company to a DoE Request for Quote (RFQ) to support Jefferson County schools as they transition away from charter school control back to district control...

...Executive Vice Chancellor Melissa Ramsey resigned the same day she was interviewed by OIG investigators (Nov. 22) after they twice caught her lying in her testimony. BoE member Tuck first agreed to meet with OIG investigators on Nov. 17, then backed out after talking to a lawyer. Instead of submitting to an interview on Nov. 17, Tuck abruptly resigned from the BoE, retroactive to the previous day (Nov. 16) for some reason. OIG has still not interviewed Tuck — and does not plan to. It considers the investigation closed.

Really. That all happened. It’s clearly, unequivocally documented in the DoE’s Inspector General report.

Once again the company was founded in August.

Quite often stuff like this gets a shrug and that's because those in charge don't want their own malfeasance brought to light. Corcoran should also go.

While the governor was complaining about saving children from nonexistent CRT a corruption scandal all the way to the top of the FLDOE was going on. Who wants to bet it wasn't the only one. 

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