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Saturday, January 29, 2022

What is stopping Darryl Willie and Warren Jones from speaking up against bills whitewashing history?

I wonder why our school board hasn't spoken up in opposition to the bills attempting to whitewash history in our schools, especially our African American members Darryl Willie and Warren Jones. It makes my blood boil but to them, all it seems to have generated is a yawn and a shrug.

This bill whitewashes history. It makes the teaching of any subject that might cause somebody uncomfortable feelings the right to individually sue teachers and schools. 

Individual Freedom; Provides that subjecting individuals to specified concepts under certain circumstances constitutes discrimination based on race, color, sex, or national origin; revises provisions relating to required instruction; prohibits instructional materials reviewers from recommending instructional materials that contain any matter that contradicts certain principles; requires DOE to review school district professional development systems for compliance with certain provisions of law.

From Curmudgacation

SB 148 Individual Freedom The bill isn't exactly related individual freedom; it's just the Florida version of the critical race theory bans sweeping pseudo-conservative legislators. This forbids the usual list of naughty "discomforts" for both schools and businesses, so if you're a business owner, it's not your individual freedom that the GOP is concerned with. Also, abstinence education is in, but for some reason, the list of health education subjects hereby eliminates "mental and emotional health." and instead adds a requirement for teaching life skills like resiliency and self-awareness that "support mental and emotional health." Yes, the state legislature will now tell you what mental and emotional health entail.

The individual freedom part arrives at the end, where the bill takes the usual list of anti-crt boiler plate (nobody is inherently racist, meritocracy is fundamental to the pursuit of happiness, no individual is responsible for past bad stuff, no discomfort, etc) are now acknowledged and enshrined in education programs as the "principles of individual freedom." This is kind of mind blowing, but a fine codification of the pseudo-conservative belief that if you are less wealthy and less free than other folks, it's your own damned fault for failing to make good choices. 

There is nothing stopping school board members from speaking out against bills and advocating for our students and teachers, nothing but the will to do so. 

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