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Monday, July 18, 2022

SB Candidate April Carney will go on the Steve Bannon podcast but not Melissa Ross/First Coast Connect

 The biggest reason is probably Bannon won't ask about Carney's involvement in the J6 insurrection, but Ross will.

I just have this nagging feeling that the F.B.I. thinks Carney has some explaining to do, some explaining she won't do for the local media and voters.

Anyhoo, Carney appeared on the Steve Bannon podcast; yes, that Bannon, who championed the insurrection and is about to go on trial for contempt of congress, but thus far, despite being invited to appear on First Coast Connect with Melissa Ross, she has refused.

If you listen, be warned, it's a steep pile of crazy.

This and Carney's refusal to participate in the JPEF candidate forum, where typically the toughest question is how was your day, show Carney has no intention of engaging constituents and the local media, and it looks bad, it looks really bad.

Sitting SB member Liz Andersen however, is more than willing to engage with people, and she will be on FCC today (7/18). 

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