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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Dr. Greene went all in with Moms for Liberty, and then they @#%$ on her!

Not to be that guy but why would a professional black woman think a bunch of day-drinking soccer moms with a superiority complex would ever have her back? Holy miscalculation Bat Man.

At the last school board meeting, insurrection Barbie, April Carnie, fighting back crocodile tears spoke about how so many teachers had reached out to her about what was happening in their classroom libraries and what a shame it was. Apparently completely unaware (sic) that it was her group Mom’s for Liberty that made it happen.

Then she implied it was a nefarious plot by the district to make Manny Diaz, and the state look bad. Oh sweetie, you are like the dog who caught the car. It wasn’t a plot, it wasn’t something nefarious, it was run of the mill every day, Greene administration incompetence. Nothing more, nothing left.

When the state put DCPS and all of public ed in its book hole, rather than reaching out, I am, sure as I am the sky is blue and puppies are cute, and getting clarification like 65 out of the other 67 districts did, they chose to keep digging, AS THEY AWAYS DO!!!!   

There are a lot of great things going on in the district, thousands of teachers working with tens of thousands of children, succeeding, often despite the state and district, but if there is one thing DCPS does better than any other district, it makes problems worse.

Enough of that. Greene sided with Moms for Liberty when they attacked teachers, marginalized LGBTQ children, endorsed the whitewashing of history, banned books, and canceled plays. She betrayed teachers, students, and education itself to run with the mean girls. When they said jump, Greene dutifully asked how high, and for all that fidelity, they just %@$# on her.

Watch the video here.


1 comment:

  1. I questioned her sincerity from the start in that she made the rounds of media and power brokers, but didn't think she needed to address teachers. Once she did, every email sent out came with an ask. She only talked to us when she wanted something from us.

    But I've been giving her the benefit of the doubt since then in the many issues that have arisen, seeing much of the response of the Superintendent and the Board as institutional responses focused on the #1 need of an institution--survival.

    But her latest defense of a poor decision--that she ordered bookshelves emptied and classroom libraries boxed or covered because the district was concerned about donated books from the community, that they had found in an elementary classroom a book that should be in high school, not on the shelf but in a box--is ridiculous.

    Only two districts in Florida have gone to these extremes: Manatee and Duval. Anyone catch the connection?
