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Friday, February 10, 2023

The Greene administration doesn't want to hear how bad its doing or hiw kids are doing for that matter

 Surveys survey my kingdom for a survey.

After a year of attacking LGBTQ kids, whitewashing history, banning books, canceling plays, and general malaise, you might think Greene and her administration might want to know how people think they are doing, but you would also be wrong.

Neither the teacher nor parent surveys ask a solitary question about Greene and the administration, not a one and speaking of surveys. 

So we have a survey that gives us some pretty upsetting/concerning news, and what do we do with it? Bury our heads in the same is what. Why would we want to learn about things that negatively affect our students when it's easier to blame CRT, DEI, or WTF? Okay, that last one isn't real, but seriously, WTF?

From News4Jax

 The Commissioner of Education sent a letter to the Duval Schools’ Superintendent, Dr. Diana Greene, “strongly urging” that the district end its participation in a CDC youth-risk behavior survey (YRBS).

The letter states, “The CDC survey asks leading questions phrased in a way that may actually introduce risky behaviors to students, prompting them to engage in potentially detrimental activities.”

It continues, “This letter serves to share my grave concerns with your continued participation in this survey, as such an inflammatory and sexualized survey is not in the best interest of Florida students.”

The district also received notice that the Florida Department of Health is terminating its contract with Duval County Public Schools for providing data collection and evaluation related to the YRBS.

This has nothing to do with the CDC and everything to do with Floirda's war against science and decency, and Greene shrugged her shoulders and said sure, we don't need to know if some kids are miserable or thinking about doing the unthinkable. 

The Florida department of health is run by an insane grifter who makes Ben Carson look normal.

There are to many articles about him to site, but if you are interested, here are a few.

No serious person should listen to him, so Greene or course asks how high he wants her to jump, and because of it, kids will pay the price. 

Actual picture of Greene at recent SB meeting 


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