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Monday, February 20, 2023

Will the media hold DCPS accountable for their "false book naratives."

I sent below to numerous members of the local media in the hopes they will let the public know about the district's shenaignas. 

DCPS firing Brian Covey the day after DeSantis called his video a fake narrative is bad, but then DCPS lied about it, making it much worse. 

DCPS's spokesperson Tracy Pierce said there were lots of books in the library for students, but that's not true, and you should ask the school's media specialist if they had one that is. Like many district middle and high school libraries, it has been closed since the Vitti era.


When I tweeted about the library being closed for almost a decade, here are some responses I received.

That picture is TRUE. I've posted this before - after my oldest 2 kids left Elem school, they never went to a school library to check out a book again. Sandalwood's library has had no books for more than 5 yrs; Mandarin HS emptied their library in 2019.

Exactly. There may be a member of UOPD allowing the library door to be unlocked, but no one is updating the collections or checking out books to students. You won't find empty shelves in my school's library; it got a makeover over the summer and the shelves were removed! 

 My middle schooler (at a magnet) only goes to the media center to get his laptop at the beginning of the year.

True indeed. Two sons through DCPS. One Stanton grad, one DA. Although both were voracious readers, neither checked out a book past elementary at Chet's Creek. Never heard them ever mention being in a media center either. 

I think why we have so few libraries and why they aren't used would be a good story, but this is about the district lying.

I spoke to several teachers at Mandarin Middle, and this is what they told me about the library that DCPS and Tracy Pierce said was fully functional.




 The district is lying when they said the library was functional, and they were lying when they said Covey was putting out a false narrative. I don't think it's right, and I hope you hold them accountable. Then like when the district fired Donofrio, I imagine a lawsuit is coming.

Finally, Covey wasn't just a sub, he was a permanent sub in a classroom with a vacancy, and the district fired those student's teacher, and now those kids will be without a teacher again, and for what? To appease DeSantis and cover up for their own ineptitude is what. 

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