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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What doesn’t the TU Editorial Board Get?

A couple of editorials ago a Times Union editorial asked, what doesn’t the School Board get. Well I am now asking the Times Union’s editorial board the same question. What don’t you get?

We have the superintendent and school board we need in place, the school board is heading in the right direction, we need to have patience. Do you know where those statements and dozens similar to them have come from? They over the last few years, that’s years, have come from editorials that have been written by the Times Union’s editorial board. How much patience can and should we have? How many ideas thrown like paint against a wall hoping something sticks are we supposed to endure from the school board and the administration at 1701 Prudential Drive?

I know editorials are little more than opinions but when put in respected forums like the Times Union they carry weight, they both influence others opinions and policy. And in this case they propagate the failed policies of our local education system and that is causing children to fall through the cracks. It is hurting kids.

Times Union if we follow your advice and be patient and this latest solution to save our ailing schools doesn’t prove to be any more effective than the last few are you going to take responsibility for all the children doomed to a menial existence or who have had their development retarded. Are you going to apologize to their families or the victims of the children who turn to crime because quite frankly they aren’t suited for the workforce or college? Or like you did a while back are you going to call for more patience, and are you going to say, when these members of the school board leave or are superintendent retires, the next ones are competent and sincere too.

Patience is one of the problems we have and I think when children’s futures are on the line we need urgency. Though like the editors of the Times Union are entitled to theirs, that’s just my opinion.

Chris Guerrieri
School Teacher


  1. I forwarded your last blog spot to Ron Littlepage. He said he would become a regular reader and said of you "he's off target as much as he's on". I'd give anything for Times Union reporters to show up un announced at inner city schools and wander around in and out of classrooms un-chaperoned. The powers that be in the Condo on the River would shit themselves. As an aside to Mr. Littlepage - If you've figured out who I am please keep my identity anonymous. Unlike Mr. G, I dislike wearing neon bullseyes attached to my forehead for telling the truth and execising my 1st admendment rights.

  2. I wish he would tell me how I was getting it wrong. It dopes me no good to do so and I would like to know...
