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Monday, February 4, 2013

Ed Pratt Dannals parting gift, a district in turmoil

If you have been reading my blog you know I have been calling for mandatory summer school for some students for quite sometime. We might not like it but some kids need more time to learn the material and less time to lose what they have learned. Because I believe this I was encouraged when the district said it would be giving some families the option of sending their studnets to summer school or having them retained last year.
According to a Times Union article last June as many as 3000 K-2 students were going to be eligible for a new summer school designed to get them on grade level, according to a Times Union article today they have no idea how many actually attended because of poor academic performance during the year.
The district blames a coding issue but can’t pinpoint ultimately where the fault lies but I can tell you. It lies with Ed Pratt Dannals who went from teaching quadratic equations to running our schools something he had no business doing.
Superintendent Nikolai Vitti, who said problems like this wont happen under his watch.
But the problem is episodes like this happened all the time under the last superintendent’s watch. Gaff after gaff characterized Ed Pratt Dannals rein over our schools and despite the fact Superintendent Vitti has hit the ground running and have done numerous needed things already it will take the district some time to recover from the last administration.  
So before we get all nostalgic and give Ed Pratt-Dannals a gold watch and a parade lets remember the hole he left us in.   

1 comment:

  1. All true. But Ed Pratt was head and shoulders above Joey Wise. It's the system man!
