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Friday, February 15, 2013

Superintendent Vitti may not be reading my blog but he is using my ideas

I say my ideas but for the most part they come from teacher’s lounges, hallway discussions and chance encounters in supermarkets. In recent months Vitti has decreased the amount of tests required, relaxed the learning schedule and cracked down on bullies acting as administrators all things that have been advocated by Education Matters for years. Last year under the previous administration two other ideas, mandatory summer school for some and putting social workers in schools to provide wrap around services finally came about.

Vitti’s latest idea is to have district administrators teach 5 one hour classes to students and where it isn’t to the extent that Education Matters has called for it is a great first step. Duval’s administrators have long been disconnected from what is happening in our schools. They blow in with their edicts and directives with either no realization or care about the consequences they sow. For years many teachers have considered them the enemy whose sole purpose was to hinder.

Vitti has really hit the ball running and it refreshing to have a leader who is involved and willing to make changes that benefit teachers rather than further marginalize and handicap them. Now it is up to the administrative staff to get on board.

Now he has to tackle student discipline and student accountability two of the biggest obstacles we still face to reaching our potential. Then if he throws in more skills and trade programs and we will really be cooking with gas.

To read more, check out this link to the Times Union:

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