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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Duval County Public Schools communication problem, another admin leaves the district

First there was the disconnect between the district and the district’s librarians. Vitti said everything was fine but they heard and continue to hear the sky is falling.

Now his principal reappointments are dropping like flies. The latest to go is Kenneth Reddick who was demoted and lets face it folks it was a demotion from director of turn around schools to Fort Caroline.

To be honest I don’t have a problem with him, Byrd and Bellamy all leaving the district but is anybody else concerned about the lack of communication that must have went on, why were these appointments made if they were just going to leave or was that the point. 

It also throws our principal group into turmoil and may lead to hasty decisions.  Zeina Khanachet, went from AP of Curriculum at Englewood High School with only two years experience to principal at Southside Middle. No offense meant but I imagine this lady doesn’t even know what she doesn’t know.

Shouldn’t the super have sat down with these individuals and laid out their fates? Shouldn’t he have asked for resignations before he made assignments? Does it look like we have a plan to you or does it look like we are winging it?


  1. I only know Reddick and he was an intimidator, but so are Wright and Dennis. We need great school-based leadership. I hope Vitti has sent head-hunters out to find great leaders. As it is now, I hate my job because of my horrible A.P. and Principal. I've had great ones and what a difference it makes! I just want to be a teacher and an ethical person...why is that not possible?

  2. Couldn't agree more with previous comment on just wanting to teach and do the job well but the leadership in education, or management, is a mess. Good luck to Southside Middle having a smart but inexperienced manager -- and her background is in foreign language not math, science, English, or history. Can she handle a budget? Can she handle parents? Can she handle students' huge range of behaviors that come with middle school age group?

  3. Her foreign language experience might help since it's an ESOL school, but Chris is right when he says "she doesn't know what she doesn't know." Reminds me of the young, rookie A.P. I had to deal with this year. She had hubris when she needed humility and it made the faculty dislike her. It kills morale when admin isn't supportive. As far as behavior is concerned, Englewood is a mess, but middle school is quite different.

  4. Englewood is a mess and so is Southside. The inmates have been running the asylum! How is an inexperienced principal going to improve anything?

  5. The school system is better off wiuthout these blood leeches that called themselves Administrator Leaders. Put them behind the mental curve and get back on the education track so desperately needed for our children's stake.
    Concerned Educator
