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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Librarian slams district over priorities, you will to after you read this.

This is from a librarian friend of mine. -cpg

It appears that Dr. Vitti is willing to sacrifice a Library Media program, but spend 21 million dollars on a Dean, an ISSP teacher, and a testing coordinator -- none of which has ever been in our budgets/on our staff, none of which is instructional, and ALL of which have been ably handled by school-based teachers/admin with not even a stipend or a supplement. ISSP is often empty, seldom full. Not a single argument for dumping Media for these positions has made any reasonable sense, considering that research shows having an active Library Media specialist leads to academic improvement and reading gains.

I have to add, a district with a reading problem should not be cutting its librarians. 


  1. The district is not cutting Media Specialists. Next year will receive the same funding as this year. Principals may not opt to utilize it in the same way, but Media Specialists are not being "dumped" or "sacrificed" by the district.

  2. I am just reporting what librarians are telling me what they have been told and where I don't think they will all lose their jobs, I think 30 or so will and a couple doze schools will go without.
