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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Another day another attack on teachers

This time it came from a source you might not expect National Public Radio. NPR, along with the Wall Street Journal, the Palm Beach Post, US News and World Report and even our very own Times Union ran with a report criticizing Teacher’s Colleges put out by the National Council on Teacher Quality.

Who is the National Council on Teacher Quality? Good question. They are an off shot of the conservative Florham Institute and all the usual suspects in the corporate reform movement fund them.

Then there is their methodology, which seems to wholly be a cursory review of college catalogues and syllabus. No interviews, no site visits and no study about how recent grads are doing. It would be like me looking at your trash and coming up with a complete report of your life.

Here is the thing, I want the right answer I don’t want my answer to be right which is what separates most people who care about education and people like Jeb Bush, Bill Gates and the writers of this laughable report. They don’t care about our kids; they care about sound bites that will enrage low information citizens. It’s shameful. NPR, which is now funded by Bill Gates, is shameful.

To learn more or read the report click the links.

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