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Monday, June 24, 2013

Minnesota says “NO” to Teach for America, while Jacksonville doubles down

I believe that Teach for America despite having a business model that educators know to be the opposite of best practices have a role to play. They should be a supplement to our schools. Unfortunately instead of trying to put life long educators in our classrooms the district has decided instead to put an ever-revolving door of rookie teachers.

I think that is a bad idea and so does the governor of Minnesota. This from the Diane Ravitch Blog: In a rare setback for Teach for America, Governor Mark Dayton vetoed an appropriation to fund more TFA recruits in the state. Minnesota has a small number of TFA corps members, but the governor questioned why the state should underwrite the wealthy organization to supply ill-trained teachers who don’t plan to stay on the job.

I have the same questions about Jacksonville?

1 comment:

  1. Excellent point as real business knows to place their most experienced and high quality staff in struggling departments rather than limited newbies if positive change is desired.
