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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Lets look at Vitti’s data driven decision to promote Iranetta Wright

Do you ever feel like the district is lying to you?

Lets look at Vitti’s data driven decision to promote Iranetta Wright

2012-13-?, District puts added resources into Jackson
2011-12-B, state makes scoring changes, grades across the state rise dramatically, enrollment drops 500 kids from before she got there 
2010-11-F, the state ranked Jackson 404 out of 404
2009-10-D, some scores rise, some fall, 3 are lower from when she got there, 3 are higher
2008-09-F, Every FCAT score dropped from the previous year, 

Do you feel like they are lying to you about why she got promoted?


  1. she was a total loser when I dealt with her back when she was at Fletcher Middle School.

  2. I don't hear a lot of good things about Dennis and Davis either. They however have been at the district for a while so it's hard to see their data.
