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Friday, June 28, 2013

The J.P.E.F. really, really, really wants you to like Common Core.

Trey Czar, Gary Chartrand fan and director of the Jacksonville Public Education Fund wrote, The Jacksonville Public Education Fund -- along with Duval County Public Schools, the Florida Department of Education, Governor Rick Scott and others -- believe that all children deserve a chance to learn at the highest levels and succeed in the 21st Century world. Common Core is an important step in this goal.
Wow! Can I believe that all children deserve a chance to learn at the highest levels and succeed in the 21st Century world and not believe in common core? Am I dooming them to mediocrity by thinking we should slow things down?

A lot of people’s problem with common core is it is too much too soon. They don’t believe schools have the technology to support it and teachers don’t feel they have the training to adequately implement it. Then in Florida teachers will have their salaries and in many cases their employment determined by how their students do on high stakes tests, which the common core brings in spade. This makes many reluctant and the anti-teacher Florida legislature has done nothing to dissuade their fears.

Czar then wrote: Opponents are claiming that it's too expensive, too difficult, or will brainwash the minds of students in the United States.

In his defense some people really do believe those things but he doesn’t mention that some opponents instead of rushing to implement Common Core just want us to slow down and get it right.

Maybe he wouldn't love common core so much if his job was on the line.

To read his piece, click the link:

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