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Friday, October 25, 2013

Charter Schools just look for profits first and foremost.

Take for example what is happening in Tampa. Charter schools U.S.A. one of the big mercenary charter school operators is looking to put a charter school on McDill Air Force base. The thing is McDill already has a school and it is A rated.

CSUSA points out that it is at 93% capacity, not over capacity mind. Now there isn’t a middle school or high school on the base but that hasn’t stopped McDill children from attending middle and high school.  Why then does McDill need another school?

The answer is they don’t but CSUSA sees an opportunity to make money banking on parents preferring to send their kids to a middle school on base rather than one a few miles down the road.  Charter schools are not public schools and thus feel no need to work with districts strategic plan doing what is best for the district, no they are only concerned with doing what is best for their bank accounts. If the public school on McDill AFB was at 120% of capacity or failing or if students had to travel a long way to go to middle school then we could have a conversation but it isn’t and they don’t.   

The Tampa School board should say no thank you.


  1. Charter USA built a K-8 down the street from a new Duval k-8 on 103rd. City Council passed a bond to pay for it and they will use student funds to pay it off.

  2. I spoke to a parent of that school and she said it was very disorganized. She had buyer's remorse.
