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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Florida’s education system lacks integrity.

I don’t want to get started about how the powers-that-be never mention how the class size amendment improved our schools preferring to give credit to an A-F system  that has been tweaked into irrelevancy not that it had much credibility in the first place. But now they have really taken the cake.

Yesterday our newest education Commissioner proposed stopping calling common core by its name, because “what we need is rebranding.” Then the board of education voted to keep in place the grade forgiveness plan that has been in place for the last two years. You know the one that doesn’t allow schools to drop more than one letter grade no matter what. Now I think the system is a farce but I am not advocating lying to people.

Board member Kathleen Shanahan put it best, from the Tampa times:  Board member Kathleen Shanahan cast the lone vote against the measure, repeating her concerns that artificial grade inflation would undermine the validity of Florida's education accountability system.

"Isn't that sad that we are sitting here voting on something that is going to have no integrity?" she said.

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