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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The reason behind Florida's A-F grading scale revealed.

This is about Indiana but it may as well have been about Florida. From the Diane Ravitch blog:

Jan Resseger here describes the eloquent case that Fort Wayne’s Mark GiaQuinta made against the A-F grading system.

Fort Wayne refuses to grade its schools by A-F because the board, of which GiaQuinta is president, understands that it will stigmatize schools attended by poor children but do nothing to improve them.

The A-F system was created to set schools up to fail and be handed over to charter operators or to discourage parents so they would abandon their school and seek vouchers.

There is no state where the A-F system makes schools better.

It is a tool of corporate reform, whose only purpose is to stigmatize schools,  destroy the school community, encourage public officials to abandon them, and hasten the cycle of decline.

Labeling schools A-F is not accountability; it is a ranking system that has no redeeming feature.

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