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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Gary Chartrand, sacrificing Florida’s integrity is unfortunate but necessary

From the Tampa Times:  Board member Kathleen Shanahan cast the lone vote against the measure, repeating her concerns that artificial grade inflation would undermine the validity of Florida's education accountability system.

"Isn't that sad that we are sitting here voting on something that is going to have no integrity?" she said.
Replied Chairman Gary Chartrand: "It's unfortunate, but I don't see any way around it."

He is in charge of the whole shebang people. He’s at the top of the heap and he doesn’t see any way around being deceptive to the people of Florida and sacrificing what little integrity we have left.

How about not going to common core until we are ready? How about scrapping the system which is all about punishing instead of helping anyways or how about stepping down and letting somebody who can see around it lead.

A lack of leadership is Florida’s number one education problem and that’s because we put a grocer in charge. He went from top fifty in grocery store news to running our schools and it is really showing.

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree more. Chartrand now has JPEF hosting two Common Core meetings and Trey Csar has no clue he just does what he is told. The only thing we can hope for is that Scott loses and we are able to replace Chartrand and all of the others on the Board who don't see any way arou9nd it. - Jtaverna
