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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My Right friend explains why vouchers are bad for public education.

As someone across the political aisle from Chris let me agree with him and amplify. One unintended consequence with vouchers is that it becomes difficult to schedule students with teachers. Because of vouchers student numbers fluctuate wildly from school to school. My school was down several hundred students this year because of vouchers.

This means we have gone through three complete separate schedule changes and they're still not finished. Class loads have to be balanced, teachers have to be added or surplussed, money has to be shifted and much more that doesn't come to mind.

The upshot is we don't have the students firmly in class or subject or even physically settled until well into October. Even then, as students drift back in to the public schools through the year classroom sizes fluctuate upward. Sometimes drastically. Vouchers as they currently implemented are a complete and utter disaster.

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