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Saturday, October 12, 2013

School choice proponents keep changing the narrative.

Have you noticed how supporters of charter schools and vouchers keep changing the narrative? In the beginning they were to save children from failing public schools but now that study after study has shown they don’t produce better education outcomes and often worse, the narrative has changed to one of competition being good for public schools.

That’s what people do when they have a losing argument, they change it.

They also can’t tell the truth and that’s charter schools are here to make people rich and to break the power of teacher unions, to change teachers from professionals to service workers. Educating children, sure, maybe but that’s an afterthought for the movement.

And before some of you jump on me and say there are some excellent charter schools, I agree but you should be outraged by the flim flam artists and snake oil salesman that have co-opted the industry too. Furthermore you should want voucher schools to have accountability because if they don’t many will continue to pump through and dump out kids ill prepared for anything.

What’s their next story going to be?

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