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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Principal Changes, is yours on the list?

Note the district hasn't announced principal changes yet but we all know they are coming.
These are unconfirmed.

Megan Green, Assistant Principal of A. Phillip Randolph to Principal, Fort Caroline Middle School
Maysha Shelton, Principal of Fort Caroline Middle School to Principal, Arlington Middle School
Cathy Barnes, Principal of Frank H. Peterson to Principal A. Phillip Randolph
Jackie Jones from Alachua County to Principal, Brentwood Elementary School
Mychelle Grover, Assistant Principal of Mandarin Oaks Elementary School to Principal Garden City Elementary School
Dean Ledford, Principal of Mandarin Middle School to Principal of Fletcher High School
Alex Marx, Principal of Oceanway Middle School to Principal Mandarin Middle School
Lashawn Russ, Principal of Ramona Elementary to Principal, Crystal Springs Elementary
Kenya Griffin, Principal of Englewood Elementary to Principal of Kirby-Smith Middle School
Helen Dunbar, Principal of Biltmore Elementary School to Principal, Normandy Village
Sabrina Sessions Jones, Principal of R.L. Brown Elementary School to Principal Biltmore Elementary School
Star Connor, Principal of Normandy Village to Principal R.L. Brown
Chiquita Maxwell-Rivers Principal Crystal Springs to Principal, Ortega Elementary School

Dino Mullin, Assistant Principal of Alimicani Elementary School to Principal of Englewoof Elementary School
Robert Gresham from Principal, R.V. Daniels to Principal, S.P. Livingston
Andrea Williams-Scott, Principal of S.P. Livingston to Principal Susie Tolbert
Lashawn Blackshear, Principal of Susie Tolbert to Principal, R.V. Daniels
Carlene Smith, Assistant Principal of Pickett to Principal, Pickett

Jessica Parrish from AP, Frank H. Peterson to Principal Frank H. Peterson


  1. So tired of all these shuffling of principals. Where is the data that moving them around is actually improving school grades? Why do new APs or principals give bad evaluations to teachers who were previously effective or highly effective? How can a teacher with excellent student growth data suddenly become a bad teacher just by new admin showing up? That harmful practice need to stop. Good teachers do not turn bad overnight. Quality teachers do not become ineffective because a new person decide to make a name for themselves on paper to prove they are an effective admin because they showed teacher growth on their "made up" evaluations. There is not other reason to harass teachers like that. I am sick of the games these admins play and I need it to stop. Where is the "support" for teachers who need to "improve"? Instead of moving principals around where is the "support" to improve principals with their issues at the school and forcing them to be more human to the people in the building? Change comes from within and no amount of moving around is going to improve anyone unless we start to learn the human side of the students we teach and the people who are teaching them.

  2. YES, YES, and YES! Teachers can't go to the bathroom without data to prove why they need to go, yet district administration makes change, after change, after change without even waiting to see ANY sustained data. One or two years of data does not constitute a reason for change. Three years is needed to even see a trend, much less cause for drastic restructuring. Your issue with evaluations making drastic changes from year to year is very explainable....this can be a result of a "friend-cipal" who GIVES a great evaluation to a friend, but when a "real" principal shows up, the rubber hits the road. Also sometimes the former principal doesn't even do observations or walk-throughs so the basically fudge the formal eval. to avoid any drama. I have witnessed and experienced this more than a few times at many schools. Just face it Duval is too big to find 166 legit principals and they know it, so they often are shuffling around good principals to clean up for poor ones. Sometimes good teachers just get screwed because a principal doesn't like them or just cant recognize good teaching if it bit them on their nose and left a bruise:-)
