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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Superintendent Van Zant breeds hate and contempt in Clay county.

I am not talking about how shoddily he has treated teachers either. Van Zant publicly came out against transgender children using the bathroom that they identify with over and over again. He made a video, did a robocall and has voiced his opposition at a school board meeting and to anyone and everyone who would listen.

This by the way was a solution without a problem as transgender children had been coexisting with their non transgender peers for years. Van Zant can't say he was protesting federal overreach because the directive from the Obama administration wouldn't have changed a thing for Clay county. No, this was without a doubt about homophobic cheap theatrics and a self serving attempt to score points with the far right base.  

I can't help but think Brandon Carney a rising senior at Clay County felt he was just following his superintendents lead when he tweeted he was glad 49 LGBT members of the Orlando Community were slaughtered and he would like to slaughter more.

from Clay Today: 

And then, there’s the issue of the Clay High student, who on the morning of the Orlando massacre, sent out a Tweet stating, “I’d shoot up a gay night club also…Too soon?”
Brandon Carney, a rising senior at Clay High and a member of the football team, sent out the tweet at 9:21 a.m. on June 12, only four hours after the world was learning about the lives lost in the Orlando shooting.
However, the Clay County School District has chosen not to discipline the student who – after seeing others react online in shock and awe to his post – began to back pedal by saying it was “a joke.”
“I’m not shooting [expletive and smiley face] it was a joke.” However, two electronic shout outs later, Carney’s language digresses further when he posts, “All of you are pussy’s who can’t take a joke.” The tirade of perceived terror ends by him stating, “I’m keeping the tweet.”
The concerns of the outed student are as valid as the inane messages sent out to the webosphere by Brandon Carney. However, this is clearly a case of “you’re different from me, so I don’t have to care about you.”
When talking about Transgender kids, You are different from me, I don't have to care about you, might be a sentiment an ignorant high school kid can have but its not one the superintendent of schools should but obviously does.
Clay county you have a big choice to make August 30th and I hope you make the right one as Van Zant must go. 

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