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Friday, June 9, 2017

Does Scott Shine want 27 schools taken over by charters?

In the Beaches Leader, Mr. Shine wrote how it might not be so bad if three middle schools closed and were taken over by charters. 

From the Beaches Leader:

  "I conducted a study of Duval Schools, that may close under 7069 and found a clear and direct relationship between those schools and the highest concentration of union teachers in the city of Jacksonville."

"The strategic advantage of converting union heavy public schools to non-union charters would be a direct connect to eliminating union member jobs and the findings speaks for itself."

Pretty damning stuff if you ask me. 

The Times Union reported that it's not three school that are in trouble but potentially as many as 27.

From the Times Union:

According to a just-released list of schools, there could be up to 27 school closures in Duval County in the next couple of years.
At least three Duval middle schools could be forced to close over the summer if their school grades don’t improve and the bill is signed into law, said Board Chairwoman Paula Wright, adding that the time line for the closures is unclear in the bill.
The middle schools in danger are Northwestern Middle, Ribault Middle, and Matthew Gilbert Middle.
Another 23 schools could be in danger of closing the following school year: Brentwood Elementary, Annie R. Morgan Elementary, GRASP Academy, Marine Science Education Center, Garden City Elementary, Lake Shore Middle, John Love Elementary, Lake Forest Elementary, Hyde Park Elementary, San Jose Elementary, Lake Lucina Elementary, Highlands Elementary, Saint Clair Evans Academy, Smart Pope Livingston Early Learning Center, George Washington Carver Elementary, Arlington Middle, Hyde Grove Elementary, Jefferson Davis Middle, Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary, Fort Caroline Middle, Arlington Heights Elementary, Gregory Drive Elementary and Highlands Middle.
A few schools — Andrew Jackson High, Love Grove Elementary and Timucuan Elementary - also could be shuttered if the state decides to renege on a prior promise to “hold harmless” certain school grades in 2015, Duval officials said.
27 schools may be taken over if house bill 7069 passes and I guarantee you all of those schools have union teachers, teachers that Shine blames. Since that is the case and based on his own words I can't help but think he wants those schools to fail as well so they can be taken over by charters. 
What Scott Shine wrote was reprehensible and I can't imagine despite the fact he said he did a study, oy vey, it is steeped in any type of evidence at all. This guy was elected to help improve our schools not cheer for their failure so they can be taken over by charters.
Our schools do have issues but perhaps the biggest one is school board members who actively root for their failure.
District 2, I am looking at you, you have to do better.

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