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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Best and brightest bonus leaves out almost half of all schools and most teachers at A schools

Showing complete disrespect to teachers, Tallahassee passed a bill allowing them to be armed and then after teachers begged for a raise, instead passed a bonus scheme that leaves almost half out including the majority of teachers at A schools. Talk about a lack of teacher appreciation week. 

The best and brightest got rid of the dreadful SAT requirement but made it so the school would have to move an average of three percentage points up over three years for the teachers regardless of their evaluation to be eligible for the bonus while still leaving out guidance counselors and dozens of other teachers in areas not considered important enough by the state legislature.

This means teachers at a little less than half the states schools (48 percent) wouldn't have been eligible and this would include 68 percent of teachers at A schools.

From the Daytona Beach News Journal

 Their remodeled bonus program would cost $284.5 million. The governor wanted something closer to $423 million so it could make a difference.
Legislators also tweaked B&B. They dropped the part about rewarding 50-something aged teachers for being able to locate their Reagan-era SAT scores. But because the answer to every educational question is to be found in standardized tests, they tied the new bonus program to overall school grades.
Something that makes it less a bonus for individuals who are good at teaching and more a group bonus for bringing up test scores.
The new B&B has three bonus tracks. One for recruiting qualified teachers for math, science, reading and computer science. Another for retaining teachers who taught somewhere for two years or more, and a third for recognizing teachers selected by principals for recognition. This leaves a lot of details for schools, local school systems and the state Education Department to work out.
Florida's teachers are some of the worst paid in the nation and this session did as close to nothing as possible to address it. There were thousands of openings this year a number which I am sure is going to grow and Tallahassee is more than okay with it as it offers huge tax breaks to charters, and hundreds of millions to charters and private schools that take vouchers

Friends if has to be apparent to you by now that Tallahassee wants to dismantle public ed and harm the teaching profession and it is shameful. 

Mathew Tanner out of south Florida has done some yeomen like work when he assembled a list of schools that would and wouldn't be eligible based on the new criteria.

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