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Friday, May 10, 2019

Mayor Curry's hypocrisy

When talking about a proposed referendum to finally pay for Duval's crumbling school infrastructure, we have the oldest schools in the state and over a billion in maintenance backlog, he said he needed more details. He said so after visiting a private school, where the governor signed a bill allowing vouchers to grow by 130 million this year alone. Money that comes out of public school's budget and with practically no accountability.

He said this only a few weeks after he directed the city to spend millions of dollars to buy the landing without any plan whatsoever! That's called hypocrisy but its made worse as he wants to continue to starve our schools that are desperately in need of repair and upgrades, undermining our children's education. 

Who is Curry representing? It seems to me it's special interests and not the needs of the citizens of Jacksonville and our children. We all deserve better.

We are not being led by a man who has our best interests at heart. new schools would increase property values and attract more businesses bringing more jobs. Instead we are being led by a man who serves special interests.

1 comment:

  1. We will soon find out whom curry values more. School choice or his kids. It's that simple. I'm hoping for the latter but then again he's a politician first father second.
