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Sunday, January 30, 2022

Why is the DCPS school Board silent as the governor and state legislature batter teachers, students and education?

This is what is happening in Florida, DeSantis, Education Commissioner Corcoran and the republican dominated state legislature are doing all they can to harm public education, teachers, specifically LGBTQ children but by extension, all children and the school board has remained silent. Well friends they are coming for school bards too as there are separate bills to make SB races partisan and then strip them of their salaries, using the saved money to "monitor books" re: ban books.

If the board won't stand up for anybody else, why won't they at least stand up for themselves?

 To read more about Martin Niemoller, click the link

To read more about the bills attacking school boards, click the links


Saturday, January 29, 2022

What is stopping Darryl Willie and Warren Jones from speaking up against bills whitewashing history?

I wonder why our school board hasn't spoken up in opposition to the bills attempting to whitewash history in our schools, especially our African American members Darryl Willie and Warren Jones. It makes my blood boil but to them, all it seems to have generated is a yawn and a shrug.

This bill whitewashes history. It makes the teaching of any subject that might cause somebody uncomfortable feelings the right to individually sue teachers and schools. 

Individual Freedom; Provides that subjecting individuals to specified concepts under certain circumstances constitutes discrimination based on race, color, sex, or national origin; revises provisions relating to required instruction; prohibits instructional materials reviewers from recommending instructional materials that contain any matter that contradicts certain principles; requires DOE to review school district professional development systems for compliance with certain provisions of law.

From Curmudgacation

SB 148 Individual Freedom The bill isn't exactly related individual freedom; it's just the Florida version of the critical race theory bans sweeping pseudo-conservative legislators. This forbids the usual list of naughty "discomforts" for both schools and businesses, so if you're a business owner, it's not your individual freedom that the GOP is concerned with. Also, abstinence education is in, but for some reason, the list of health education subjects hereby eliminates "mental and emotional health." and instead adds a requirement for teaching life skills like resiliency and self-awareness that "support mental and emotional health." Yes, the state legislature will now tell you what mental and emotional health entail.

The individual freedom part arrives at the end, where the bill takes the usual list of anti-crt boiler plate (nobody is inherently racist, meritocracy is fundamental to the pursuit of happiness, no individual is responsible for past bad stuff, no discomfort, etc) are now acknowledged and enshrined in education programs as the "principles of individual freedom." This is kind of mind blowing, but a fine codification of the pseudo-conservative belief that if you are less wealthy and less free than other folks, it's your own damned fault for failing to make good choices. 

There is nothing stopping school board members from speaking out against bills and advocating for our students and teachers, nothing but the will to do so. 

If SB member Liz Andersen doesn't get it, she should go.

 In a Facebook conversation, I have included, below, board member Andersen seems to put her reelection over the needs of her constituents, accuses me of being destructive for wanting school board members to advocate for schools, and points to some mysterious and undefined activities as proof she is out there working. Andersen who I believed in so much I donated 800 dollars, more than one week of my teacher salary to when she ran in 2018, either doesn't understand what is happening with education in the state, doesn't care, or is complicit. 

In her first message, responding to a post about a press release the district put out saying the board does not comment on pending legislations she says " sit in nonpartisan roles, and keeping doors open to be able have important conversations on both sides of the aisle."

This is ridiculous, we desperately need our board members to be partisan, and not for the republican party or the democratic party, but for education. We need board members who believe in and support it wholeheartedly.  I talk about the republican party and their attacks on public education all the time, but that's because they are all the time attacking public education, but I have pointed out democrats that have done it too. In 2012, Obama because of his destructive education policies I had to look hard elsewhere. I ended up voting for Obama but it wasn't easy. 

Then what conversations could she be having on both sides of the aisle?

I can imagine it now, 

Andersen- I want to thank both parties for meeting with me.

Democrats- yes of course we believe in education what can we do to help.

Republicans- sure, but you have to know we are going to marginalize, the LGBTQ community, whitewash history, kill the teaching profession, and drown public education in the bathtub if we can.

Andersen- thank you for meeting with me.   

She can pretend the republican party isn't destructive, she can pretend they aren't doing all they can to harm the teaching profession and public education and she can pretend that the Republicans in the legislature don't have a bill that would make school board races partisan, but that's all she would be doing, pretending. 

In her next comment, she says she has no problem taking a position on education issues and says I am being destructive. I AM BEING DESTRUCTIVE?!? Um, not Tallahassee, with the don't say gay bill, their whitewashing of history, the onerous restrictions put on teachers and unions, but me, I am the one being destructive.

Then when asked about these supposed positions, where I asked her to prove me wrong, she even refused to comment on in the Facebook exchange, presumably because she wants to keep them secret???, and instead of saying, I don't think the don't say gay bill is good and the whitewashing of history is bad, she said, "I  don’t feel compelled to lay out my call logs or calendar to prove anything to you. I know the work I do day in and day out (and sometimes in the middle of sleepless nights)."

She may know the work she does, but nobody else seems to.

But out of all this, the thing I felt was most distasteful was where she seemed to put her political aspirations above the needs of children, teachers, and public education.  "It is an election year- so maybe you’ll get what you want and I’ll be out… I guess time will tell if that will work out better for you, our kids, schools, or public Ed."

The thing is what I want is for her to do her job, no more no less.

Then if it wasn't an election year, would she be doing more? If she was in a second term, would she then be speaking up? Friends, it shouldn't matter if it is an election year or not, it shouldn't. Right is always right, not just when it doesn't affect one's political aspirations. 

Andersen currently has two opponents, both of whom would be a disaster, but the thing is, she replaced Scott Shine who was a disaster, one we survived, and in her primary race last time she ran, there were other good candidates, Shannon Beckham and Casey Ayers, and there have been other people emerging as education advocates, like Katie Hathaway,  any of who could make sure the seat was held in competent hands if Andersen continues to refuse to do her job. 

Furthermore, I would rather know a board member is a disaster, rather than constantly scratch my head thinking they know better and why aren't they doing anything.    

Am I asking too much? Is expecting SB members to advocate for and educate about education issues crossing a line? If it is let me know. I desperately want to be wrong about Andersen and the rest of the school board. I want people to go Chris you blew that one. 

I do want to point out that as disappointing as Andersen has been, she has plenty of company on the school board. Not one has stepped up and led, not one has fought for our schools, teachers, and students. Not a single one.

Elizabeth Koning Andersen

Just for clarification, this statement is from the District spokesperson regarding a position from the District. It would be inappropriate for the District to take a political position. Additionally, the SB does not take a position as a Body unless the issue is discussed publicly and agreed on- which is why we typically set a platform ahead of session.
With that said, individual BMs, like myself, work our own channels and advocacy networks as the session rolls, but this may not always be loud. As you know we sit in nonpartisan roles, and keeping doors open to be able have important conversations on both sides of the aisle is important.
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  • 14h
  • Chris Guerrieri
    Elizabeth Koning Andersen not to be crass and with all due respect but that's bull shit. You and the rest should be out publically advocating for public education and educating the public about how disastrous these Bill's are. Whatever back channeling you may have done has failed. Its past time for you and the rest to step up, and if you dont shame on you.
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    • 13h
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  • Chris Guerrieri
    Elizabeth Koning Andersen if you aren't going to take a position on banning books, the marginalization of LGBTQ children, the white washing of teaching and all the attacks on teachers them what good are you, why are you there? You should resign?
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    • 13h
    • Elizabeth Koning Andersen
      Chris Guerrieri I have no problem taking a position on these issues- Nor have I sat idly by during my term silent or complicit. Your accusations are insulting and wildly inaccurate. The broad strokes you take criticizing me personally and the Board in general are reckless and sow far more discord and damage than good. There is a war to win and you spend your time cutting at those of us fighting in the battles.
      It is an election year- so maybe you’ll get what you want and I’ll be out… I guess time will tell if that will work out better for you, our kids, schools, or public Ed.
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      • 13h
    • Chris Guerrieri
      Elizabeth Koning Andersen if I am wrong point me to what you have done, where are your town halls, where are your op-eds where are your letters to the editor, where are your public positions against what is happening, where is anything? Show me and I will gladly recant everything. I want to be wrong. I will wait, but I won't wait long.
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      • 12h
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    • Elizabeth Koning Andersen
      Chris Guerrieri I don’t feel compelled to lay out my call logs or calendar to prove anything to you. I know the work I do day in and day out (and sometimes in the middle of sleepless nights).
      At the moment I need to get back to prepping for a private event this weekend, but if you’d like to host a chat with any advocacy groups that you belong to, I’d be happy to come join you.
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      • 12h
    • Chris Guerrieri
      Elizabeth Koning Andersen the first part of your response is disappointing and unconvincing.