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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Did Becki Couch show cowardice or leadership?

From the Times Union: Board member Becki Couch said the superintendent must support the principals; otherwise they could feel pressured to overlook disciplinary problems in order to get a good evaluation.

“Some of my principals have confided in me that … they’ve been called in and [told] you’ve had too many referrals,” said Couch, who declined to identify the principals or their supervisors.

Is her answer to start holding workshops about the problem next month? When did they tell her this? She has been in office for 19 months now and has she done anything to address it.

I appreciate Mrs. Couch revealing the worse kept secret in town and that’s schools and teachers are pressured to ignore bad behavior but you will have to forgive me if I think this is something she and the board should have brought up and taken care of long before now?

1 comment:

  1. I honesty don't think the schools and/or teachers are "pressured to ignore bad behavior" at all, but I DO KNOW they are being HEAVILY AND OPENLY pressured to consider a PLETHORA of alternative interventions to bad behavior before jumping to suspensions or expelling a kid.

    These old-school reactions only lead to one place: dropping-out. An I think it is high-time we enter the 21st century and realize that nothing happens in a bubble~~it is all a small part of the whole.

    Back when we were at Paxon, Chris, if Ms. Hodge caught two kids fighting, it was "10 days suspension for both" and I think now we have to take a closer look at what is happening, and solve the PROBLEM, as opposed to solving the SYMPTOM.
