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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Why there is little confidence in district leadership

Note: we do have a lot of great admins but over the last 5 years under the super and the board, whom you knew rather than your ability became a huge deciding factor for where you found yourself.

How many administrators with satisfactory evaluations were let go this year? Just like the teachers that were let go with Satisfactory Evaluations for no cause or no explaination?

In a high school typically there is a admin to teacher of 25 to 1. I'll bet there were maybe less than 3 that were not reappointed system wide to include district level positions. If you look at how many teachers were fired throughout the year, added to the statistics are really alarming.

This behavior in military would be unacceptable. A leader eats last, is paid last, sleeps in the mud with his subordinates. Is not an aristrocrat. The inept are relieved or are never elevated to leadership positions. Regulations are applied to leadership in a much stringent manner. The bar is higher. The sacrifice greater. The indescretions of leaders are dealt with swiftly, harsly, and in a manner which instill confidence in the system.

Our district leadership is the antithesis of this ethos. As a result we have no confidence in the system.

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