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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Times Union goes against the grain, they like the FCAT

All across the state editorial boards have been blasting, Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson, the FCAT and Florida’s culture of high stakes testing. The outcry has been universal, I have posted a dozen of the responses on my Blog Education Matters but I could have posted two dozen if not more. Yes the outcry has been universal, well that is until now when the Times Union gave, Gerard Robinson and the FCAT a great big thumbs up.

The editors wrote, Complaints that the state is focused too much on one test are baseless. What would critics replace it with? More than one test? A different test? The fact is that in both school and life, people will be tested for their competency. If they need help to negotiate those pressures, that’s what teachers ought to be doing.

Yes we should replace it with a test that is given week one to see what kids need and again week 36 to see if they got it. Yes we should replace it with a test that is just a component of education not all of education. And yes people wil be periodicaly tested but rarely wil they be as high stakes as the FCAT has become. So, yes, yes, yes!!! We should get rid of the FCAT.

Once again the editors at the Times Union show they just don’t get it about education. They look at the same issues that most of the other editorial boards look at, heck most people look at, and they think all is well and that we are heading in the right direction.


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