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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

We must fill the opening on the state board of ed with an Educator

Friends, Parents, Concerned Citizens, Florida Bats, we have a real opportunity to facilitate positive change. With the resignation of Ada Armas from the state board of education, we must demand governor Scott put an educator and supporter of public education on the board because right now there isn't one.    

On the sate board of education where you won't find one true educator. There is the chair Gary Chartrand who is a grocer by trade and who has close ties to charter schools; John Padget the owner of a private equity investment firm,  John Colon, a banker,  Andy Tuck, a citrus grower, Marva Johnson a cable TV executive and finally Rebecca Fishman Lipsey currently a social impact director (a direct quote from the FLDOE website) who is a recent transplant from New York where she taught for two years as a Teach for America Teacher. 

And now there is an opening and we must let Rick Scott know we want it filled by an educator. Send him a message here:

And just to back that up send a letter to your local paper to let them know how important it is too.

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