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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Florida sends 129 million to private schools that push discrimination and segregation

While Governor DeSantis is pushing his terrible pay proposals through the front door, he is trying to sneak a massive expansion of vouchers through the back. The sad truth is many these vouchers which are paid for with public money are little more than excuses to push discrimination and segregation as Florida sent 129 million to private schools that either exclude or have anti LGBTQ views.

From the Orlando Sentinel,

In Florida last year, 156 private Christian schools with these types of anti-gay views educated more than 20,800 students with tuition paid for by state scholarships, an Orlando Sentinel investigation found.

Florida’s scholarship programs, often referred to as school vouchers, sent more than $129 million to these religious institutions. That means at least 14 percent of Florida’s nearly 147,000 scholarship students last year attended private schools where homosexuality was condemned or, at a minimum, unwelcome.

Friends we are paying for this. Do you know who else these private schools can exclude? Here is a short list.

Latino and Black children, children with disabilities, something they already do with great regularity. Kids with discipline problems, kids behind grade level, and any kid for any reason and once again we are paying for this. Is this really where you think our tax payer money should be going.

School choice in reality is nothing more than an excuse for discrimination and segregation and that’s a problem we should all have.

Rather than investing in our public schools this is where Tallahassee would rather send our tax money

If at this point you aren’t disgusted, then you are part of the problem.

Florida could and should be doing better.

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