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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Seaside's north side campus not going anywhere for now.

I revived this response to my inquiry to rumors the North side campus would soon be closing.

Mr. Guerrieri,

Our school on the North campus has a long term lease agreement in place for the Dunn Avenue property.  We have a five year contract with Duval County Public Schools. There are currently no plans to close the school.  We do need to increase enrollment and our board discussed ways at our last meeting to make that happen.  All of our board minutes, once approved, are posted on our website.  If you have any further questions, please let me know.


Fair enough, we never like to hear about mid year closings, though I wonder what their low enrollment says about the new Classical Academy, that looked to pull from the same demographic group.

If I hear more I will let you know.

1 comment:

  1. So is Seaside moving or not? We went on a tour in early March and nothing was mentioned about the school not being in the location that we toured? The website is as confusing listing a photo of the campus with a different address.
