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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gary Chartrand, chairman of the board of ed, clueless or completely clueless… again?

Mr. Chartand has an impressive resume. He went from top 50 in grocery store news to chair of Florida’s board of education. It’s just too bad his education acumen doesn’t match his resume. Today he and the rest of the board selected former Indiana education commissioner Tony Bennett to be ours. In Indiana it is an elected position and he was ousted by a teacher and union member who had one seventh of his money and still she won by tens of thousands of votes. She got more votes than Mitt Romney did in that heavily red state.

Sadly I guess that one states trash is another’s treasure and he is now Florida’s commissioner of education, an appointed not elected position here.

This however is what gets me about Gary Chartrand, first he doesn’t think teachers are professionals nor does their experience and education matter but then he has the nerve to say:

This is a fantastic result…our teachers should be celebrating,”

Um, no, we’re not celebrating. Like you Mr.Chartrand, Bennett is no friend of teachers. We are cringing and we are sighing and we are not optimistic in the least.

Mr. Chartand, do us a favor before you do even more damage, please get a clue. Also just a heads up, every time you speak you confirm what most of us already know.

1 comment:

  1. Long time reader, first time commentor....I have not read in the past few weeks so ive been catching up and this guy isnt right for the job. He doesnt believe that teachers are professionals? I'm sure his former teachers would think twice about the gift of knowledge that they gave him. For some reason this guys name is so familiar and i live in the PV area. what does this guy look like? I think ive been to one of his fundraisers.
