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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Jason Fischer weaves a tangled web about vouchers.

Okay Fischer is pushing a voucher resolution. It's common knowledge that Tampa millionaire John Kirtley is the driving force behind vouchers, well not only has Kirtley contributed to him but since Fischer now works for Uretek holdings he hired him too.

From Context Florida:

Uretek Holdings, a “foundations stabilization company,” (think engineering, not philanthropy) lists none other than voucher-program founder John Kirtley as its Director. The company’s chairman and CEO, Kathleen Shanahan,served as chief of staff for former Gov. Jeb Bush, as well as for former Vice President Dick Cheney when he was Vice President-elect. Floridians know Shanahan from her days as a member of, and as chairman of, the Florida Board of Education.

To say that Fischer has ties to high profile privatization proponents, and that those ties might influence his opinion on local board matters, would be understatements.

I think one can easily make the case that Fischer is doing the bidding of a pro-privatization millionaire and since District 7 has little need for vouchers but other pressing needs not the people who elected him. 

More on this to come. 


  1. Julie DeLegal's piece in Context Florida lifts the veil hiding the connections between Board member Fischer's advocacy and the agenda of his employer. If a reader is interested in what is underneath the rock, begin with the cited Context Florida piece.

  2. "O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive..." By Sir Walter Scott. It is very karmic; the wrong things we do now create suffering to be reaped in the future, even if after transmigration or metempsychosis. God have mercy on the soul of such a fool!
