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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Jason Fischer's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I hope the parents of District 7 finally woke up Tuesday night and realized that Jason Fischer is not representing them but instead represents corporate interests whose want is to dismantle public education.

On the same nigh a teacher and guidance counselor from Crown Point, one of the schools he is supposed to represent, gave an impassioned plead for help, asking if the school grade has to drop to a D before any one does so, he brought partisan politics to the board and pushed for vouchers. Fortunately his measure failed 5-2 as only Gary Chartrand protege Ashley Smith Juarez joined him. 

But then it got worse. Instead of joining the tidal wave of push back against high stakes testing and the states punitive grading system, he said, wait a minute the are not so bad. It's almost like he doesn't know that the state is switching to an entirely new and different curriculum and test. Not even Smith -Juarez could go that far against our children and he was the lone vote against the resolution calling for a moratorium. 

He is consistently on the wrong side of important issues, wastes the boards time, brings partisan politics into our schools and even refuses to help the schools he is supposed to represent. It's time District 7 said enough.

To read more click the links: 

Fischer’s concern for taxpayers is rich and the voucher program has no such accountability. Voucher schools aren’t burdened by Common Core and don’t have to take the same tests as do public schools. It’s called separate and unequal, Jason.

However, most of the other board members didn’t see it that way. Scbool Board Member Connie Hall countered that Fischer's resolution was the distraction.    
“I’m very disturbed that my time and this board’s time is really distracted by this,” she said. “My vote tonight is going to be a ‘No’ because we cannot politicize our students.”

1 comment:

  1. Is there a way these idiots can be recalled?
