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Friday, December 26, 2014

John Thrasher takes his hypocrisy to Florida State

Full disclosure I am not a Florida State fan, in fact as I type this I am wearing my favorite Florida tee. This however is not about football rivalries it’s about the hypocrisy of FSU president, John “golden rule, he who has the gold makes the rules” Thrasher. That’s a quote from him by the way.

Example 1, as a republican he preached financial responsibility for his entire career, but then refused to drop out of his race for senate even though his appointment at Tallahassee was all but assured. At the same time he is getting a hundreds of thousands of dollars raise, he is costing the tax payers of Florida hundreds of thousands of dollars, the cost of his and several other special elections that him not dropping out has created.

Example 2, despite fighting against tenure for public school teachers, he accepted tenure from the trustees at Florida State. Apparently what is good for the golden goose is not good for the ganders.

Example 3, one of his first acts at Florida State is to give Jimbo Fisher an eight year contract.  I won’t argue that he deserves job security, I believe everybody does if they do a good job but I would like to point out that now teachers do not have any. Since 2011 all new teachers hired and all veteran teachers that want to switch to the merit pay plan (none that I know of) can now be fired at the end of the school year for any reason or for no reason because none has to be given. This is what John Thrasher through his teaching profession kneecapping Senate bill 736 has created. Successful football coach, 8 years, successful teachers, year to year.

Welcome to Tallahassee where public school teachers are constantly marginalized and neglected while football and hypocrisy reign supreme.

As I said above I am not a fan of Florida State, and thanks to Thrasher I have a lot of company. 

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