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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Superintendent Vitti thinks 26 year old vice principals and 27 year old principals is a good idea.

Orlando is letting the barbarians in the gate, bringing in 50 Teach for America members for the fall of 2015. Not being able to find anybody in Orlando who thinks it is a good idea, the Orlando Sentinel went to Superintendent Vitti for a comment.

Teach for America has faced criticism because most of its teachers leave their schools after their two-year commitment. Vitti said Duval is working to change that by encouraging corps members who stay for a third and fourth year to train for leadership positions.

So coming soon to a school near you 26 year old assistant principals and 27 year old principals. Teach for America exacerbates our teacher retention problem, they are expensive and  they don't do a better job. Like Jacksonville would, Orlando would be better suited by recruiting professional teachers and retaining their own.

To read the piece, click the link:  


  1. Hate to point it out to the powers that be, but the problem is TFA leaving the classroom causing a constant turnover in the teacher ranks. Promoting them into administrative positions is no different from them departing for other careers: there is still a new teacher in the classroom.

  2. 26 and 27 year Principals and Assistant Principals will be MORE COMPLIANT, easier to BRAINWASH and easier to STEP on THEIR HEADS; got the message!!!
