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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Only 15 percent of Duval's teachers rated highly effective 42 percent of the states were

These are the facts, 42 percent of Florida's teachers were rated highly effective yet only 15 percent of Duvals were. Does that mean as a group we suck or is there something else at work like the district desperately trying to save money as this years crop of highly effective teachers can expect a bit more under their Christmas tree. Actually who knows as the contract negotiations drag on and on.

I don't think it should be lost on anybody that a report came out today saying Duval's teachers are some of the lowest paid not only in Florida but in the nation too.

Is there a relationship between the two? You bet your ass there is as the district continues to both marginalize and nickle and dime teachers. The CAST a long and confusing evaluation tool is I believe designed to limit the amount of highly effective teachers and the reason is so the district can save money.

To read more click the link:


  1. Dirty sobs. Are we going to receive a bonus this year?

  2. Or even a step movement?

  3. "The CAST a long and confusing evaluation tool is I believe designed to limit the amount of highly effective teachers and the reason is so the district can save money." I figured this would be the scenario the moment the Governor Rick Scott first proposed bonus incentives for high-performing teachers. Likewise, in 2007 I predicted the last big recession when most Americans did not have a clue it was coming.I bet most 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year teachers in Jacksonville Urban Schools got 'Developing/Needs Improvement' in 2012/13. It seems the same conspiracy has been hatched all over again in 2013/14. So, no bonus for these teachers. Duval teachers need to start researching other career possibilities because this current trend will persist for a long, long time. Also, why are they forcing education on a people whose culture is opposed to it. If they are comfortable with working shovels and cleaning offices and schools and doing other menial jobs let them; you can take the horse to the water hole, but you can't make it drink the water. You might be even kicked!

  4. Jax culture is extremely anti-intellectual. First I thought about my ignorant and proud of it students being doomed to minimum wage jobs, then I thought they'll actually be LUCKY to get a minimum wage job. They don't care. They probably just think they'll live on welfare or disability.
