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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Oy vey Duval County Public Schools have jumped the shark, only in Duval is a one-two percent gain considered impressive.

Here is the beginning of a press release released today by the Duval County Public Board about a recent Gallup survey of students looking at their well-being.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., December 4, 2014 — Results from Duval County Public Schools’ student Gallup survey were recently released revealing impressive progress in the areas of HopeEngagement, and Well-Being. Hope improved by 2 percent, engagement by 2 percent, and well-being by 1 percent. These increases demonstrate an improvement in the socio-emotional health of thousands of Duval students.

Um since when is a one or two percent gain considered impressive?  Sadly the press release gets even worse.

“The data truly speaks to an improvement in culture for our students,” said Superintendent Nikolai P. Vitti. “Gallup researchers find this improvement impressive and difficult to achieve. 

Um what??? Sure its easier to achieve, another 25 kids Christmas treeing it should cover it.  

Where the study did show what I would call statistically negligible gains it shouldn't be lost on anybody that our numbers overall are terrible.

Maybe I am wrong and if so Iplease put me right but I hear with the restorative justice program, discipline is worse than ever, regardless though the lathering on by the super and district is both unwarented and uncalled for and I think it does the city a disservice painting an all is well message when nothing could be further from the truth.

To read more click the link:

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