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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Revealing tweets from Superintendet Vitti's evaluation meeting

And they come on the heals of Ashley Smith Jurez saying they may need to hire a mediator.

  1. Ashley Smith Juarez responded to by commenting on his snickering and eye contact avoidance when she was talking to him
  2. said the board chair's tone when dealing with literacy issues was alarming - and he felt uncomfortable not commenting on it
  3. When board talks about achievement gap, it isn't about who cares more, said. It should be about what's broken and how can we fix it.
  4. "We have got to get better... And we've got to do it quickly," said Ashley Smith Juarez. "And not just in reading."
Things may be broken beyond repair if this is how the super responds to one of his most reliable supporters. Frankly I am surprised he didn't threaten legal action, something he has done twice now.

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